What if there was no sky
No atmosphere
No moon
No planets?
What if the universe
Was a made up story
Written by a couple of unhappy astronomers
From the middle ages
Looking for something to look at with their telescopes
In their moments of leisure
And/or justify their huge scientists salaries?
What if planet Earth
Was a satellite of its shadow
And its Equator was covered
By a thick layer of melting snow
And both the South and North Poles
Were two new summer sports?
What if time and space did not exist
And all the tape measures
Clocks and calendars
Of the world and its surroundings
Suddenly became obsolete?
What if you and I
Were just poor quality photocopies in 3D
Of ourselves?
What if...
(One more question
Has just come to my mind:
What’s going to happen
With our virtual lives
When we are no longer here:
Will they be stored
In the memory cards
Of our 10 megapixel digital cameras
Or in the 250 GB hard discs of our PCs
For someone else to edit and use?) © EDUARDO OWEN
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