| CULTURE Newsletter
| 35th Session of the World Heritage Committee | | As a result of the World Heritage Committee annual meeting (19 - 29 June 2011), twenty-five new cultural, natural and mixed sites have been added to the List, which now numbers 936 properties : 183 natural sites, 725 cultural and 28 mixed. | | | Symbolic globe of E. Reitzel © UNESCO |
17th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee "Return and Restitution" | | The Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation have examined the agreement reached between Turkey and Germany concerning the Bogazkoy Sphinx, the activities of specialised police services and illicit trafficking in South-East Europe. | | | Bogazkoy Sphinx © bpk /Vorderasiatisches Museum, SMB/Olaf M.Teßmer | |
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